We study the interaction between light and nanostructured materials to explore new optoelectronic phenomena with applications in photocatalysis and energy conversion. We employ advanced optical technologies that allow us to manipulate and control nanoparticles at the single particle level, and to study them with a variety of microscopy and optical spectroscopy techniques.
Our focus is on metallic nanoparticles, which act as nano-antennas that efficiently collect light and are sources of electromagnetic field, charge, and heat at the nanoscale. These extraordinary capabilities have given rise to the field of study called nanoplasmonics and motivated the use of NPs in numerous applications.
We are currently developing three research lines: optical printing of nanoparticles, thermoplasmonics, and plasmon-assisted chemistry. In all of them we seek to answer some of the open questions in the area, among which we investigate applications in the fields of photocatalysis, photonic-plasmonic crystals, optothermal control of fluids in microchannels, and photothermal therapies, in close collaboration with different national and international groups.
Current projects
Optical printing of nanoparticles
Plasmon-assisted chemistry
Group leaders
Ianina Violi
CONICET Adjunct Researcher
Julián Gargiulo
CONICET Assistant Researcher
Posdoctoral fellow
Wendy Rondón
PHD student
Cristina Mina Villarreal
Undergraduate students
Valentín Exequiel Salari
Abril Pereyra
Iñaki Gonzalez Vandam
Group Leaders
Ianina Violi
CONICET Adjunct Researcher.
Degree and PhD in Chemistry from the University of Buenos Aires. She did her postdoc in the Applied Nanophysics group at CIBION - CONICET
Mail: ivioli@unsam.edu.ar
Julián Gargiulo
CONICET Assistant Researcher.
Degree and PhD in Physics from the University of Buenos Aires. Marie Skłodowska-Curie Fellow at Imperial College London, UK, and a Humboldt Fellow at Ludwig Maximiliam Universität in Munich, Germany.
Mail: jgargiulo᥀@unsam.edu.ar